crises and catastrophes
who bears responsibility but also wants culprits to blame.
Because of growing enforcement and media attention ‘disaster law’ is consistently thriving. The consequences of an industrial accident aren’t limited to technical investigations and civil developments in relation with compensations for victims but most often accompanied by a criminal investigation that is given pre-eminence over the others.
Major airplane crashes, the explosion at the AZF factory—we experienced the biggest technological accident trials of these past 15 years from the inside. Thus we developed a methodology that can also be applied to more modest circumstances—on-site or transportation accidents for instance. In addition, our experience of working with engineers in any discipline gave us the desire and ability to tackle the fundamentally technical dimension of those cases.
We understand that scientific and legal truths don’t always coincide. Thus we see ourselves even more as a relay between industry and the justice system, and remain determined to make them finally come to terms one with another.
company law
white collar crime
crises and catastrophes
and media law
and liability